Month: January 2013

Flotsam and Jetsam – Late January Edition

Here are a couple of items that might not have floated past your field of view in the last couple of weeks. Let me know if you have any other items that may be of interest to this blog’s readers. (

For the Romantics: 30 Beautifully Haunting Shipwrecks From Around the World

For the Masochists: All You Need in a Boat: An 8-Foot Hot Tub and Four Coolers

And here is a scene from the past summer in the Parry Sound area to remind you how lucky we are to have access to the some of the finest boating waters in the world. The scene will be very familiar to many of you.

Parry Sound Sunset

Does Someone Need A Power Squadron Refresher?

A couple of recent marine accidents make me wonder if some of the professionals need to take a Power and Sail Squadron refresher course. Perhaps navigation?

In the first case a professional pilot working in San Francisco Bay crashed an empty oil tanker into the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge. Apparently the damage was ‘relatively’ minor, but it is still somewhere north of $500,000. The pilot in question has had a few more ‘oops’ events in the last few years. Looks like he could use a navigation refresher. Here are some details.

The second more serious accident happened in New York City as one of the commuter ferries rammed into the dock injuring at least 57 people, 11 of them seriously. There may be some extenuating circumstances, but it still would be good for them to take a refresher. Here is a link to more information.

Taking a course with the Parry Sound Power and Sail Squadron is a great way to learn important navigation and boat handling skills from experienced boaters and sailors. Here’s a link to more for more information.

Parry Sound October 2012